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In the heart of the brewery

無垢根は、酒蔵の屋根裏にまるで隠れ家のようにひっそりと設えられたお食事処です。冬のお鍋、春のスープ、夏のグリル、秋の燻製。日本酒を楽しむための、四季折々のお料理をご用意して皆様をお待ちいたしております。 無垢根を通じて、皆様に日本酒造りの奥深い世界を体験していただければ幸いです。

Mukune is a culinary experience that pays homage to the complex process of sake making. Hotpot in the winter, soup in the spring, grill in the summer, and smoke in the fall. We have recreated our historic recipes for all to enjoy in the heart of the brewery. In this way, we hope to share and honor the process of Japanese sake making.


Art of Clay Cookware

The art of clay cookware


Clay cookware has always been an essential part of traditional Japanese cooking. It is unparalleled in its ability to not only preserve the nutritional value of its ingredients but also enhance the exquisite flavors of the dish.


A global network


Mukune welcomes all with an interest in traditional Japanese cuisine. We are pleased to have friends and supporters from all over the international culinary community. 

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